


nerve, trigeminal, pairs, brain, sensory


Neurulation is the process in which the nervous tube is formed, which begins from the third week with the thickening of the medial area of the ectoderm of the embryonic disc, whose area is in front of the primitive fossa. Said thickening, being of an ectodermal nature, constitutes the neutral lamina, the same one that is directed towards a collapse towards the embryo, which forms a neutral groove to limit laterally in the neutral folds. As time passes, the furrow deepens and the folds become shorter between them, until a fusion is achieved that gradually takes the form of a nerve tube. The set of twelve pairs of nerves found in the skull have a number that goes from I to XII, from the front to the back, according to their connection with the brain. Of all the pairs that make up the cranial nerves, the trigeminal nerve stands out, which occupies position V and is the largest, whose content is made up of both motor and sensory fibers, being the sensory nerve that has the greatest proportion in the head, and the motor nerve of some muscles, among which are those of mastication. Due to the importance of this nerve, the present study aims to analyze the trigeminal nerve from a functional anatomical perspective, in order to know the most important aspects of said nerve, from a detailed description that goes from the origin, functions, components and other aspects that are oriented to the comprehension and understanding of the functionality of said body.

Keywords: nerve, trigeminal, pairs, brain, sensory.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Cedeño, J. L., Suarez-González, E. S., Jiménez Sánchez, Ángel D., & Ramos-Salazar, L. P. (2023). THE TRIGENIUM NERVE FROM A FUNCTIONAL ANATOMICAL PERSPECTIVE. GESTAR Arbitrated Scientific Journal in Health Research. ISSN: 2737-6273., 6(12), 48-62.